Saturday, February 03, 2007


Jonathan Mant (atrial fibrillation)

Dear Jan Goossens,

Thank you for your question.

I assume you sent it to me because you learnt about the study that I am
undertaking comparing aspirin to warfarin for people aged over the age
of 75 who have atrial fibrillation.

We are currently finishing the analysis of our study, and the results
will be in the public arena at the end of May this year. I hope that
then I will be able to answer your question!

I will send you a copy of the results when they have been published.

Yours sincerely,

Jonathan Mant

-----Original Message-----
From: Jan Goossens []
Sent: 29 January 2007 17:12
Subject: atrium fibrillation

Dear Dr. Mant.

My medical doctor diagnosed a atrium flatter 23 November 2006, and
prescribed me Marcoumar. By blood controle the INR has to be between 2
and 3.
I am a simple veterinary surgeon, 82 years old and have to use now and
than a couple of celebrex pills, when gout comes up. Moreover I use
omeprazole to keep my stomach quiet. To keep my blood pressure adequate
I use 5mg amlodipine and 4mg perindopril and since my atrium flatter 50
mg atenolol. I have no troubles with my atrium fibrillation and if my
doctor would not have told me, I would not have noticed it.
Reading an article in Neurology 2007; 68: 116-121 by M.L. Flaherty et
al.: The increasing incidence of anticoagulant-associated intracerebral
hemorrhage, I think maybe it is better to use 80mg aspirin with or
without persantin (pirydamole) to avoid anticoagulant-associated
intracerebral hemorrhage .
I would be much obliged to you, if you let me know if you can agree with
my supposition and I can discus it with my doctor.
sincerely yours Jan Goossens.

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