Monday, August 13, 2007


polypil the IMPACT TRIAL

Jump ahead only 3 ½ years, and clinical trials are now getting started. In a study led by Dr. Anthony Rogers of New Zealand, a polypill (manufactured by Dr. Reddy's, a pharmaceutical company in India) will be given to 600 people recruited from 5 continents who have a raised risk of having a heart attack or stroke. The trial, which has now completed enrollment, will examine whether a polypill that consists of 4 drugs will lower blood pressure and cholesterol. If the trial is successful, a follow-up full-scale trial of up to 5,000 people with moderate risk of heart disease is planned to measure the ability of a polypill to reduce the occurrence of heart attack and stroke. ("World's First Polypill Trial" press release from Dr. Reddy's.)

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