Monday, August 13, 2007
diseases: a vital investment. Only
20% of chronic disease deaths occur
in high-income countries — while
80% occur in low-and-middle-income
countries and these deaths occur
in equal numbers among men and
women, the report said.
Deaths from infectious diseases,
maternal and perinatal conditions, and
nutritional deficiencies combined are
projected to decline by 3% over the next
10 years globally. However, over the
same period deaths due to chronic diseases
are projected to increase by 17%.
A recent study carried out in
Andhra Pradesh found that noncommunicable
and chronic diseases are the
leading causes of death in this rural
state of India. One of the authors of
the study, Dr Bruce Neal, Director
of the Cardiac and Renal Division at
the George Institute for International
Health, in Sydney, said that the health
delivery system was in urgent need of
“reorientation” to enable the implementation
of evidence-based strategies
to address the challenge of noncommunicable
Neal told the Bulletin: “While
many lower-income countries have
made very substantial advances in the
treatment and prevention of acute
communicable conditions and in the
management of maternal and child
20% of chronic disease deaths occur
in high-income countries — while
80% occur in low-and-middle-income
countries and these deaths occur
in equal numbers among men and
women, the report said.
Deaths from infectious diseases,
maternal and perinatal conditions, and
nutritional deficiencies combined are
projected to decline by 3% over the next
10 years globally. However, over the
same period deaths due to chronic diseases
are projected to increase by 17%.
A recent study carried out in
Andhra Pradesh found that noncommunicable
and chronic diseases are the
leading causes of death in this rural
state of India. One of the authors of
the study, Dr Bruce Neal, Director
of the Cardiac and Renal Division at
the George Institute for International
Health, in Sydney, said that the health
delivery system was in urgent need of
“reorientation” to enable the implementation
of evidence-based strategies
to address the challenge of noncommunicable
Neal told the Bulletin: “While
many lower-income countries have
made very substantial advances in the
treatment and prevention of acute
communicable conditions and in the
management of maternal and child