Friday, August 13, 2010
cholesterol statines
Lipid Levels in Young Adults and Subsequent Coronary Calcium
Adverse consequences of dyslipidemia begin early in life.
Dyslipidemia among middle-aged and older people leads to coronary artery disease (CAD). The consequences of dyslipidemia during young adulthood is the subject of this prospective U.S. study, in which more than 3200 young adults (age range, 18–30) underwent periodic serial lipid measurements for 2 decades after enrollment in 1985. At 15 to 20 years of follow-up, when participants were about 45, coronary calcium studies were performed.
Only 13% of participants maintained LDL cholesterol levels <100 mg/dL ( is 2,5 mmol/l) throughout young adulthood. After controlling for multiple coronary risk factors, LDL cholesterol levels in young adulthood were strongly predictive of coronary calcium 2 decades later. For example, the prevalence of coronary calcium was 8% among individuals with average LDL cholesterol levels <70 mg/dL, ( is 1,8 mmol/l ) but was 44% among those with average LDL cholesterol levels ≥160 mg/dL ( is 4,1 mmol/l.). There was a weaker relation between HDL cholesterol levels and coronary calcium and no significant relation for triglycerides.
Comment: This study documents what most clinicians would have anticipated — the adverse consequences of dyslipidemia begin early in life — and it highlights the need to focus on diet, weight, and exercise throughout life. ( and much easier, moreover take a statin too, opmerking van de zender van dit bericht)
— Jamaluddin Moloo, MD, MPH
Published in Journal Watch General Medicine August 12, 2010
Bovenstaande is een mooi artikel om de stelling te verdedigen dat het niet alleen belangrijk is hoe je je voelt op dit moment, maar van belang is hoe je je eventueel zult voelen als je eventueel oud wordt bijvoorbeeld 80 of nog ouder. Om ook later goede bloedvaten te hebben, wat belangrijk is in verband met dementeren, herseninfarcten, THIA's en hart kwalen, moet vroegtijdig de basis gelegd worden. Een van de voornaamste zaken in dit verband is het nemen van een statine, ook al is je cholesterol op dit moment normaal.
Beste wensen Jan
Adverse consequences of dyslipidemia begin early in life.
Dyslipidemia among middle-aged and older people leads to coronary artery disease (CAD). The consequences of dyslipidemia during young adulthood is the subject of this prospective U.S. study, in which more than 3200 young adults (age range, 18–30) underwent periodic serial lipid measurements for 2 decades after enrollment in 1985. At 15 to 20 years of follow-up, when participants were about 45, coronary calcium studies were performed.
Only 13% of participants maintained LDL cholesterol levels <100 mg/dL ( is 2,5 mmol/l) throughout young adulthood. After controlling for multiple coronary risk factors, LDL cholesterol levels in young adulthood were strongly predictive of coronary calcium 2 decades later. For example, the prevalence of coronary calcium was 8% among individuals with average LDL cholesterol levels <70 mg/dL, ( is 1,8 mmol/l ) but was 44% among those with average LDL cholesterol levels ≥160 mg/dL ( is 4,1 mmol/l.). There was a weaker relation between HDL cholesterol levels and coronary calcium and no significant relation for triglycerides.
Comment: This study documents what most clinicians would have anticipated — the adverse consequences of dyslipidemia begin early in life — and it highlights the need to focus on diet, weight, and exercise throughout life. ( and much easier, moreover take a statin too, opmerking van de zender van dit bericht)
— Jamaluddin Moloo, MD, MPH
Published in Journal Watch General Medicine August 12, 2010
Bovenstaande is een mooi artikel om de stelling te verdedigen dat het niet alleen belangrijk is hoe je je voelt op dit moment, maar van belang is hoe je je eventueel zult voelen als je eventueel oud wordt bijvoorbeeld 80 of nog ouder. Om ook later goede bloedvaten te hebben, wat belangrijk is in verband met dementeren, herseninfarcten, THIA's en hart kwalen, moet vroegtijdig de basis gelegd worden. Een van de voornaamste zaken in dit verband is het nemen van een statine, ook al is je cholesterol op dit moment normaal.
Beste wensen Jan